Charged with Driving while Prohibited? Call us for a free case evaluation

Driving while Prohibited?

A “Driving while Prohibited” charge (not to be confused with Driving While Disqualified) is not a criminal offence, and you are not in danger of receiving a criminal record. However, the penalties are severe and can impact your ability to drive in the future.

If this is the first time you’ve been charged with “driving while prohibited” you could incur a mandatory one-year driving prohibition and a monetary fine.  You will also receive ten penalty points on your ICBC driving record.

If you have been caught before, you are likely facing time in jail. 

There are options available to you – call us for a case evaluation to keep you out of jail and get you back on the road without delay.

Why Call Us?

We are a team of experienced criminal defense lawyers, former government prosecutors and ICBC defence lawyers, with a strong track record in successfully defending clients who have been charged with driving while prohibited.

Call us for a free case evaluation.

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